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Happy New Year

Forum » Rugby » Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2024, 05:33

Dec 31, 2024, 06:04

May you have a healthy and prospserous 2025 - all site members in particlar.    By the way the Fairytale in New Yrok has vaished altogeher and it is a shit plce to live in - epcially hen a women is set alight n sbway trains nd died because the peole were terrified they would go t jail if they did help her.    Not exactly the case in New York - the murder capital in the world is actually Chicago.          

Dec 31, 2024, 06:04

Happy New Year Blob...I really hope we have more to agree on than music, our WP and Bokke in 2025...and may Ukraine truely be liberated early this new year!

Dec 31, 2024, 06:05

another 'festive' special of mine

yours welcome

Dec 31, 2024, 06:08

ouMaaik, you're incorrigible ..................:'(

Dec 31, 2024, 07:07


Dec 31, 2024, 16:43

Happy New Year, blob :) 

And a happy and healthy New Year to you all and your families. 

Dec 31, 2024, 19:35

Happy 2025 to all…..a quarter of the way through the 21st Century. I don’t like it as much as the 20th Century, despite all the cool tech. But we can still enjoy life. That calls for a McCallan. Cheers!

Jan 01, 2025, 01:09

Happy new year one and all!

Jan 01, 2025, 06:00

Happy NY everyone.

Jan 01, 2025, 06:53

Happy happy girls & chappies!

And good luck to Boks in 2025, they're gonna need it.

Jan 01, 2025, 07:43

Yes Happy New to one and all although some oaks are not that deserving!

With Trump in power, although  facing huge push back from the Uniparty Globalists, things should go better in the World.

The war in Ukraine will end with Ukraine ceding territory and becoming a neutral country. Russia, as predicted, won the war and bloodied the nose of the Globalist ruled West. Fortunately the Peoples of the West have awakened at last and are on their way to taking back their countries. The calls for mass deportation of the invaders is rising.

God bless and protect Patriots everywhere fighting the tyrannical open border WEF Globalists.

May 2025 be the year when even  the most bone headed half baked loon and most Servile of Gimps see the light. :D.  

So much is going to be revealed.

May God bless, protect and guide President Trump as he battles the Luciferian Globalist forces. He is up against it as MAGA controls neither the House nor the Senate. These are still under the control of the Globalist Uniparty. President Trump does have some leverage and of course can use EOs. 

Expect endless opposition to his cabinet picks. Wiil the GOP unite to get them passed. An outstanding bunch. 

My hope also is that certain oaks come to understand the game of rugby a bit better. Saying some oaks lack rugby acumen is of course a understatement. It would be great if they could move up from an F grade to a say D. 

Lastly the mampara of the year was undoubtedly Mozzie. He got an F for both Rugby and politics. Surely he has reached the bottom and can now only go up. One lives in hope. 


Jan 01, 2025, 07:58


Jan 01, 2025, 08:08

For Blobbrain I am hoping brain transplant surgery makes huge strides. 

Maybe Musk's nural link chips could be upgraded to help Blobbrain. 

Or perhaps 3 D printer technology will be devised that is able to manufacture brain cells. We could start a fund to sponsor poor Blobbrain!

Beeno trying to give poor Blobbrain hope. 

Jan 01, 2025, 11:29

Been one would swear you were a yank

Who gives a fuck about Trump, Russia etc

What do they have to do with new year good wishes

Jan 01, 2025, 11:46

Happy new year Blob and to the rest as well.

Jan 01, 2025, 12:00

I don't often agree with Baboon-ou but I'm with him on his mampara of the year pick.

The funniest thing about Moffie is he has no idea how much egg he got on his face in 2024 . . . and we all know he will defend himself to the death on that point. Get ready!

Jan 01, 2025, 12:03

Oh and Happy New Year everyone.

2024 was a crap year for me mainly because of changes I had to make to systems thanks to the laughably short-sighted 2 Pot system . . . hope 2025 is better for me and everyone else.

We'll need a bit of luck with a vain, conceited, egotistical and unhinged moron in charge of the most powerful nation on earth . . . but we can hope.

Jan 01, 2025, 12:38

Dave you are a great rugby poster but seem oblivious to what is happening to the UK under the dictator anti free speech and open border PM two Tier Keir.

I see Sadiq Khan is about to be knighted as Muslims continue their take over bid. Britain is crumbling although from what I can see a real fight to save the country is underway. GO REFORM. 

Rooitwit of course I am right about Mozzie. He beat a strong field of Mamparas including Blobbrain at second place, Dense Denise third place and then we get to sharktwit STAVASS and of course yourself! 

Trump hopefully can save Western Civization from the open borders one World government Globalists and their rule via well coded, from a Globalist viewpoint, AI. 

Very Servile Gimps like Rooitwit hate the ideas of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and entrepreneurship etc. 

Rooitwit the arch Servile GIMP can't wait to be enslaved and ultimate his life as a useless eater terminated. Masters knows best is his mantra. 

Bwahahahaha. Rooitwit puts in a strong opening bid for the 2025 title of Mampara of tbe year. 

Mozzie could still retain his title in 2025. It is likely that as all the demonrat come Uniparty Globalist lies are destroyed poor Mozzie will simple deny every shred of evidence and make a massive mampara of himself. Just like he did in 2024.

Hopefully the wise men on the board like Mike and myself and others will continue to educate the less fortunate half baked captured Globalist slaves. 

But Rooitwit all the best for 2025. Hope you get to understand what is going on. That of course is a very long shot given the extent of how your few lonely braincells have been brainwashed and your extreme gullibility. 

Jan 01, 2025, 12:59

Kier is a lot of things but not even close to being a dictator - that in a nutshell evidences your political ignorance

Kier is a weak, feeble and sad excuse of a leader - hardly the traits of a dictator

If Britain is crumbling I feel for the rest of the world - again utter political ignorance

Being knighted means fuck all. Khan and co are taking over nothing

As for Trump, he could not save himself let alone a civilization. The guy is a joke but at least a step up from that mumbling idiot Biden

Politics bores the crap out of me - why - because we have idiots like Trump running the US and an insipid wet blanket running Britian

How the fuck can these two clowns represent the best leadership qualities of two major countries - it’s a joke

Jan 01, 2025, 13:10

Trust that everyone on this site and their families have a health, happy and rewarding 2025.


Jan 01, 2025, 13:11

Dave for once try and calm down.

The is not a "Bitching" blog.

But all the same Happy New Year.

Jan 01, 2025, 13:28

I’m always chilled AJ - I dont know any of you well enough on here to raise the heartbeat

Jan 01, 2025, 13:44

Dave your political ignorance is showing. You ought to get onto X and other alternate media platforms where there is a high degree of free speech.

Do you know Tommy Robinson has served 9 weeks solitary confinement part of an 18 month sentence. This is pure unadulterated political persecution. 

Go onto X and do a search for Tommy see what he is posting. 

Go and see what prominent people are saying g that the Globalist media wont cover. 

London today only has 36 percent indigenous White Britons living there. The changing demographics spell disaster for native Britons who are being replaced. 

I have seen video after video and a great many articles on the subject that you will NEVER see in the Guardian, Sky News or BBC etc. 

It was great to see Musk calling out Starmer and his tyrannical attitude re free speech which like all Globalists he wants to crush. 

Great also to see Musk saying that the AFD is the only party that could save Germany. The very young AFD is  now the second biggest party in Germany and just keeps on growing. Musk says they are not far right just sane conservatives.

Then the National Rally in France led by Le Pen is the largest party in France way bigger that Macron's failed party which will lose power. 

Then we have Globalist Trudeau in Canada crashing and burning.

But back to Britain. Nigel Farage was 100 percent right when he said both Sunak and Starmer are open order Globalist ooetatives. King Charles is also a treasonous WEF member. Starmer when asked was it Davos or London for him he ANSWERED DAVOS. That is on video.

The British media is fake news and will go the way of the American formerly MSM. 

Wake up Dave start fighting for Britain as it is fading away. 

Jan 01, 2025, 15:49

Sad news for you HasBeen the election of the Donald is a huge financial boon for us globalists. Keep working in the trenches, your good work is showing up in my investment accounts. What a great year 2024 was financially and the tax benefits of Trump’s election was just the cherry on the cake.

I hope he doesn’t blow it with hilarious picks like Gaetz and Hegseth….we globalists do so crave predictable chappies, so we can make good trades.

Jan 01, 2025, 16:01

Oh dear Peeper was done in by the 2 Pot system….perhaps nog a pot at night under the bed might help an old toppie like you… oh(sic) revoir.

Jan 01, 2025, 16:08

Well Mozzietard you will have to change your investment strategy away from the murderous  military industrial complex and the murderous Big Pharma complex that RFK is going to sort out. 

Yes a rising tide lifts all boats. I will be very haply with ordinary people being better off and more healthy. For the American People and the World the return of peace, prosperity democracy and free speech will be a blessing. 

The return of the rule of law will hopefully see the incarceration and death penalty against many criminal and treasonous Luciferian  Globalists around the world. I expect in the next 5 years to see the removal of Globalist Governments in Europe and the Americas. 

I suspect though you are a small fry Globalist Mozzie somewhat on the fringes so you could escape scrutiny. 

However what I do know is that everyone supporting the rise of the anti Christ system as per Rev 13 is hell bound so think about all this Mozzie. While you have breath there is still time to repent and to end your rebellion and ask God for forgiveness before it's evetlastingly too late. 

That goes for other rebels here as well. Satan of course was the first and greatest rebel. 

God is not mocked and time is not your friend. Use 2025 wisely. 

Jan 01, 2025, 16:22

Fuck me Been, London has always been a multicultural city it’s part of it’s awesome attraction numpty

Does the demographics of London define the UK as a whole? Um no - 82% of the population is white Been, hardly a non white take over now is it - if that’s what concerns you - for it sure as hell does not concern us

As for good old Nigel, he is another big fat nothing who tries so hard to be controversial but after his stint on I’m a Celebrity get me out of here - he showed his true colours as a weak, insecure individual craving approval

Keep beating that ignorant drum Been and just remember I don’t give a flying toss about politics so the fact that it’s so easy to counter someone who lives and breathes the boring shit kind of says a lot don’t you think?

Your hero worship of Trump is laughable - the guy is a complete egotistical clown but hey ho, whatever floats your boat

Bring back Boris I say:)

Jan 01, 2025, 18:00

I like Boris. A bit of a rogue, but all the great British PMs tend to be rogues. Yes bring back Boris.

Jan 01, 2025, 19:10

Agreed Moz

Jan 01, 2025, 20:03

Oh I think we’ve had many PM’s who were rogues…..they weren’t all great PM’s ! 

Jan 01, 2025, 22:54

My theory is not all rogues are great PMs…but every great PM was a rogue.

Jan 02, 2025, 02:50

Mere mortal and entitled Brian putting himself in God's shoes, funny how he knows what God will or will not do. Didn't know it was that simple, I might or we should all try it one day.

Jan 02, 2025, 07:16

All the best for 2025. I hope it is a fantastic year for everyone

Jan 02, 2025, 08:37


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