Hilarious blunder!
Followed by this clumsy and butchered sentence that could only be posted by someone who has no education or is very drunk:
"You sides are splitting because your a fat, greasy toad."
Hilarious blunder!
Followed by this clumsy and butchered sentence that could only be posted by someone who has no education or is very drunk:
"You sides are splitting because your a fat, greasy toad."
How are you sides doing, Moffie? Your well known for being a
n obsessive and pedantic grammar Nazi so how stupid and hypocritical does that sentence make you feel?LMAO!
Maybe you need the ex factor!
As I said in the string on the trumpet…..I stand corrected, you’re a fat greasy toad.
You stand schooled, you egg-faced and pompous old fool.
The same string where you gloated in your smarmy and sneering manner over Stav's error. What a foot shoot!
Schooled would imply I don’t know the difference between you and your. Unlikely.
But just settle down and let the Board decide, they know both of us pretty well. I’m sure they will get this right.
Not just "you and your", also "your and you're" . . . in the same sentence . . . on a thread where you were gleefully pointing out a spelling error that Stav made in your sneering, overbearing
and smarmy manner.Maybe you need some ex factor?
Or perhaps you do…Stav’s wasn’t a spelling error, he used the wrong word.
Or is this more your speed:
The ref may as well be wearing a Stompies jersey. Another penalty agains the Sharks. Manie goes for the corner.
Or this:
Scoreboard showing 10-5. Did Jordan's conversion fade to the rightt after it was through?
Are you conceding that you made two blunders in the same sentence (on a thread where you were pontificating about someone else's spelling) or has the penny still not dropped, Moffie?
Or this:
No try, Jean Luc du Plessis yellow carded for a dangerous clean out.
OMG! Typos on a live thread!!!
Better call the cops, Moffie!
But before you go running off to the Typo Authorities . . . tell me, was I being a grammar Nazi on that thread and was I gloating about anyone else's typos or spelling mistakes on that thread?
Not quite the same thing then, is it . . . or are you so stupid you don't see the difference?
Oh now it’s a live thread….haha. So explain how is writing oh revoir rather than au revoir …..a spelling mistake. Are you saying oh and au have the same meaning. Over to you and
that wasn’t on a live thread.
It’s beginning to look like……..
It's beginning to look like a pathetically childish old windbag who can't admit he made a complete dick of himself.
Loves to dish it out but behaves like a 5 year old when it comes back to him.
No I admitted in a hasty post I made 2 mistakes and corrected them. You did the same thing in the Stormers thread and made excuses.
But you also called ‘oh revoir’ a spelling mistake…..explain.
A match loser ….he should have the ex factor.
Not that obvious, but surely plausible... definitely not worth all the noise even if it was a mistake...one of the most silly gotchas I've seen in a while...beats Maaiks takes on AE hands down.
Both Esterhuizen and Libbok are useless and should not be anyhere near the Spingbok team Both are stupid and have no idea that they ae playing rugby. Esterhuizen is 30 years old and has neve impressed on test level and has never showed any ball sense ever.
I say both a
re losers that sould never be in any Springbok jerseys in future.
Both Esterhuizen and Libbok are seelss
Aren't we all just seelss swimming in an oceenn of steepudity trying to catch the feesssh of weessdom.
Both Esterhuizen and Libbok are seelss
ouMaaik's been up all night (again)
ryI corrected the typing. and what I was driving at is clearer
Good luck for 2025 all!
Good luck for 2025 all!
2024: ex factor being applied
"No I admitted in a hasty post I made 2 mistakes and corrected them."
Denise has xx factor?
‘Where did you acknowledge your you/your blunder?’
…..followed by claims of liar.
Right here:
Schooled would imply I don’t know the difference between you and your. Unlikely.
So there you have it, both mistakes acknowledged and addressed.
here’s what you have to do:1 Apologize for calling me a liar. I never lie.
2 Explain how ‘oh revoir’ is a spelling mistake.
3 Admit you simply didn’t get ‘ex factor’ because you jumped to conclusions. As Pakie said, it was obvious.
4 Stop the gotcha stuff, it’s tiresome and you always end up looking like a fool.
Wehe . . . the pompous old Grammar Nazi getting into a state because people make spelling mistakes or typos on a rugby board makes two embarrassing blunders of his own (three if you count "ex factor") and is now trying to pretend someone else looks the fool.
And you have never made fun of a poster for their spelling? I will do as I please and that includes correcting you. Take your long painful first sentence. You need a comma after Nazi and a comma after board.
Now address the four action points I demanded. Or perhaps you want to say “oh revoir” and hit the booze. It must be grim starting the New Year with yet another humiliation.
Demand away you fat-faced fop . . . or would you understand it better if I said "your" fat faced fop?
No I understand this better:
Your moving the goal posts. A person can't be racist unless they have a conviction for it or a jail sentence
Two birds with one stone…….waaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha!!!!
"Wehe . . . the pompous old Grammar Nazi getting into a state because people make spelling mistakes or typos on a rugby board makes two embarrassing blunders of his own (three if you count "ex factor") and is now trying to pretend someone else looks the fool."
You constantly do the same fcn thing dipsh!t...do you have absolutely no self awareness at all?
Go on then Squeaky Toy, put up
some examples of me correcting anyone other than Moffie . . . or are you just a liar?
Aaand we're off again New Year's Eve dudes, go have a drink and a piece of cake or something. And maybe a puff from the peace pipe. I know I sounded like a total party animal just then but I'll probably be in bed by 10. Good wishes to all.
Well Peeper you used Chat to opine on posters’ style. So here is the answer to your question:
Based on the interactions between Rooinek and other members on the Ruckers Forum, it appears that Rooinek does engage in correcting other posters' grammar, particularly during debates or disagreements.
In the elevator going down. Stop man, suip away it’s New Year….don't humiliate yourself any more.
Well if it's something I do constantly, as Squeak
y Toy claims, I'm sure you will find plenty of examples to put up . . . unless of course you're both liars . . .
Peeper you want AI to rule the world…..here’s a good application, Chat just confirmed Draad’s assertion. According to you, no need to look any further.
Oh no ….’Squeay’ Toy. ….were you on a live string. Waaaahahaha
I remember some time back, having to defend errors I made in a post, due to typing on my phone and not editing.
Rooi went as far to as to speculate on what types of errors were legitimate typos based on the proximity of certain letters on the keyboard.
I guess on his keyboard ‘k’ is close to ‘a’.
Rudehole...you haven't caught me in a lie on this site...ever...so go GFY...I don’t have to lie when it suits everything just sticking with the truth...you on the other hand...
"put up some examples of me correcting anyone other than Moffie . . . or are you just a liar?"
I didn't say that, did I?...although I'm sure your pedantic d!ckheaded self has done it numerous times...I can't be arsed to go look for proof...happy to go with my gut on this...
"happy to go with my gut on this..."
Nothing at all wrong with your gut ......
Nobody got my joke about Denise have the "xx factor"
I deserve credit, godammit!
It's pure gold
Pol Pot would have objected to XX but he is still trying to recover from his annihilation on the Hundred Years of Solitude String…he has done the solitude
Moffie, do yo
u ever scroll back on your posts and think to yourself "Oh God, I'm a very childish and obsessive loser"?
Do you ever wonder why a grunt like you would call anybody else a loser?
He's a snob, regardless of his failings...
Lol Rooi, how does an obsessed person look to some that is obsessed?
Perhaps you could enlighten us...
Lol Rooi, how does an obsessed person look to some that is obsessed?
Just maybe you'd be the best one to answer your own question after a visit to a mirror.
Rooi doesn't suffer DDS as you do and he doesn't do board postings at 5 in the morning either.
Rooi, Denise needs a hug.
Would that be the Rooi who moaned that the last half of One
Hundred Year of Solitude was being crammed into the last 10% of the Series when in fact there is a second season. That after claiming it was his favorite book, Hahaha! Sure let’s hear from that genius.
Actually. that sounds like someone who knows the book as well as I do. I did post on the the th
read that I was very glad there was a following season . . . .something I didn't know before I started watching . . . .but if you think you know more about my favourite author than I do then let's get it on . . . you claim you've read Love in The time of Cholera so go ahead and tell us about the central themes of that novel and who your favourite character was and why.Don't go running to ChatGPT or Google now . . . I'll know if you do.
Hmmm . . . you're taking a bit longer than one would expect. Moffie . . . are you still researching? Let me know when you're online and we can trade questions about Gabriel Garcia Marquez's works.
Did you ever read his autobiography Living to Tell the Tale and do you know what factors made him a Liberal rather than a Conservative?
How about the beautifully titled "Chronicles of a Death Foretold"? Did you read that? How about his short stories "Leaf Storm"? Did you read those?
These are all simple yes or no questions.
Just a deep . . . deep . . .
A deep . . .
. . . deep . . .
. . . deep . . .
. . . dive.
Moffie is somewhere near the bottom of the Marianas Trench and digging frantically!
How about the people who translated his works, Moffie? Do you prefer Grogory Rabassa or Edith Grossman? Any particular reason why?
Moffie? Are you there?
Over a period of more than 20 years, some of us know this is normally the time of day when you post the most of yout self-important yet ignorant rubbish . . . . any reason why today is different?
Moffie, do we need to alert you nurse?
Hmmmm . . . Moffie, are you cowering like a jellyfish or did you hit the [insert name of snobbish overpriced whisky that only stupid and pretentious people buy] a bit earlier in the day than usual?
Out on my motor launch Peeper, we went across to one the islands for a nice lunch. So I never saw your feeble response…..only a very stupid person wouldn’t ask themselves if there is a second season with 50% of the book still to cover and 10% of the time left.
That’s the point, your contemptuous dismissal of the highly regarded series because you simply didn’t understand what was going on
….so not cowering like a jellyfish. I did spot a few though, along with schools of dolphin. How was your day?
Let’s preserve this most humiliating ‘death of a snob’ posting for posterity. Nothing is funnier than a snob attempting to demonstrate their superiority and then not even having the smarts to understand there has to be a season 2..
My vote for the most humiliating post of all time:
Arguably the greatest book ever written, it doesn' t translate that well to the screeen.
There's just too much that Gabriel Garcia Marquez leaves up to the imagination to allow a fair comparison but the fact that the last 50% of the book was condensed into the last 10% of the series should tell you how much of the series to take into consideration when measuring this great work.
Probably my favourite literary work of all time but a very average TV series.
Edit: Not that different to my second favourite literary work of all time . . . Catch 22 . . . which was also a disappointing TV translation, even if the great Alan Arkin was a major feature.
‘The last 50% of the book condensed into the last 10% of the series’…..hahaha. Nope into series 2. And who the blue blazes was the moron who liked it…the mind boggles, perhaps they would like to come clean and defend poor Peeper. He needs all the help he can get.
Does the guilty "like" really have to reveal their identity?
I think it's pretty obvious who she is.
44,083 posts
In the string on Esterhozen and Libbok I posted this:
A match loser ….he should have the ex factor.
Meaning he should be an ex Springbok. Peeper believes I don’t know how the X factor is written and made an illiterate mistake. Vote clever play on words or illiterate mistake.