That repreent a nw poblem for him. He lasy year wn the tournamen erning 1 300 ranking poin ts in he process, That means tha going into nrxt years Assie Open h would be down to 3910 points and depending on how Rublev nd Ruud progress in he Metz tornament he may be as low as no 8 in he rankings, he could be down to number 8 in the rankings,
This year he lost near to 9000 ranking points, It is very hard to recover those points in the present scnario, The loss is due to him not inning a singl tornamnet this year, The first time since 2007 that happened,
54,092 posts
That repreent a nw poblem for him. He lasy year wn the tournamen erning 1 300 ranking poin ts in he process, That means tha going into nrxt years Assie Open h would be down to 3910 points and depending on how Rublev nd Ruud progress in he Metz tornament he may be as low as no 8 in he rankings, he could be down to number 8 in the rankings,
This year he lost near to 9000 ranking points, It is very hard to recover those points in the present scnario, The loss is due to him not inning a singl tornamnet this year, The first time since 2007 that happened,