The qualification Rounds will start tomorrow and involve 128 male and 128 femalue partcipants, After the final qualification rouds there will be 16 male and 16 female players going into the Main Draw. In the past the Main Draw is done on the Tuesday or Th ursday before the tournament starts and this year the date is Thursday 11 Jamuary 2024.
Unlike in the past the first Austaralian Open matches will be playe on Sunday 14 January 2024.
Nadal h as announced he will not play in the Australian Openn after he went out of the Brisbane Open and was seen by the dictirs to have resulted ina minotr muscle strain. He stated that he is very sorry not playing before the crowds in Melbourne, but his main object was to play in the French Open this year.
Djokovic announced that he is not sure about his future and that he will play on a season by season basis in future. This in fact imply to his retirement following the first year he did not meet his own requirements as to his performances.
After the Rublev wih in Hong Kong I took a look at his odds in winning in the Ausralia Open - it was 58/1 - so I took a 20 Rand fun bet on him/ After all Rublev this year is th e 5th ranked player in the world and in two of the last 3 tournaments he played in in Australia he reached the quarterfinals in this event.
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The qualification Rounds will start tomorrow and involve 128 male and 128 femalue partcipants, After the final qualification rouds there will be 16 male and 16 female players going into the Main Draw. In the past the Main Draw is done on the Tuesday or Th ursday before the tournament starts and this year the date is Thursday 11 Jamuary 2024.
Unlike in the past the first Austaralian Open matches will be playe on Sunday 14 January 2024.
Nadal h as announced he will not play in the Australian Openn after he went out of the Brisbane Open and was seen by the dictirs to have resulted ina minotr muscle strain. He stated that he is very sorry not playing before the crowds in Melbourne, but his main object was to play in the French Open this year.
Djokovic announced that he is not sure about his future and that he will play on a season by season basis in future. This in fact imply to his retirement following the first year he did not meet his own requirements as to his performances.
After the Rublev wih in Hong Kong I took a look at his odds in winning in the Ausralia Open - it was 58/1 - so I took a 20 Rand fun bet on him/ After all Rublev this year is th e 5th ranked player in the world and in two of the last 3 tournaments he played in in Australia he reached the quarterfinals in this event.